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Monday, April 8, 2013

The Super-rich Promoting Socialism?

Quoting the late Gary Allen, “If one understands that socialism is not a share-the-wealth program, but is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of superrich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all. Instead it becomes the logical, even the perfect tool of power-seeking megalomaniacs. Communism, or more accurately, socialism, is not a movement of the downtrodden masses, but of the economic elite.” He nailed it, nearly 50 years ago.

And now we are looking at a US that continues to head faster and faster toward more and more socialism. We are hearing that children no longer belong to their parents. 15% of the American people are on food stamps. 20% of Obama's twitter followers are fake. Obamacare will be doubling the price of healthcare. What a surprise. Remember the bailouts? They went to big banks and the unions. Is there not one honest politician in D.C.?

"In 1981, when Congress passed the Reagan economic program, the massive tax cuts and defense buildup were powerfully stimulative to the economy. But the Federal Reserve simultaneously embarked on the opposite course: suppressing economic growth with extraordinarily high interest rates in order to squeeze out price inflation ... The stark fact is that the fed was pushing the national economy in the opposite direction. The car with two drivers wound up in a ditch - first deep recession, then an awesome accumulation of debt - and we are effectively still in it." - William Greider

Thank you media news centers for not doing your job of actually reporting the news.

As Greg Evensen writes:
"What the hell happened, America? When did you decide that it was acceptable to turn our peaceful efforts into a whirlwind of disaster because you had the “right” to do what you want, when you want, to whom you want, and then blame someone else for it, all under the guise of civil rights? America has itself to blame for rampant drug abuse, families with no moral compass, parents who cannot be bothered with investing necessary time in their children’s lives, and demanding that a corrupt, inept and arrogant government write checks to cover every conceivable outrage known to man, and then fail to show up for what little work is available." Ptht!

"As Americans with a world class Christian freedom legacy that has been squandered and handed to the most vile among us, we must now either confront the collective evil across our land in its many forms, or surrender finally and completely to the destroyer of worlds, Lucifer and his servants."

I say, well said.

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